Disclaimer: I only write fiction.
+ Episode 22.
They said they were hardcore vegans, but then I watched them viciously sniff lines of blow from here to Hollywood. The same blow that was rinsed in diesel, caused deforestation and bloodbath, and had been carried up the butt of a mule.
And there they were sniffing it
. . . real vegan.
They said they only drive electric, cars built with cobalt mined from DRC,
a metal polluting biospheres,
causing birth defects in children.
Then they pulled out their phones—Smart Phones—the ones made in Chinese factories with netting around them to prevent overworked “employees” from committing consumerist suicide.
They cared more about the life of an unhatched chicken than they did about
the life of a human being
. . . real vegan.
+ Episode 21.
The day I stop learning is the day they shovel dirt over my face.
+ Episode 20.
We were at the RCMP precinct waiting for the cameras to start rolling when two women walked onto set, wheeling their carry-on luggages behind them. They looked like background actors, or make-up artists with those carry-ons.
“Are you background?”
“Background for what?”
“Background actors for the film.”
“No, we’re detectives. We’re here for the homicide case that happened an hour ago.”
We were all rigged up with cameras and lights to shoot a film about crime,
and there they were,
living it.
+ Episode 19.
Nikoli Varga’s Ten Commandments of Writing:
1. Thou shall connect one word unto the next.
2. Thou shall experiment.
4. Thou shall not fear the trash bin.
5. Thou shall not contemplate smoking tobacco.
6. Thou shall not swear.
7. Thou shall spin the plates.
8. Thou shall catch the plates with class.
9. Thou shall be present.
10. Thou shall write from beginning to end.